I didn't say typed languages are inherently more verbose. I said that a type system tends to make things more verbose (in some cases), e.g. having to bang out types in function signatures, etc. When writing small scripts you usually just write down what you want to happen, and it works. There's some extra mental/typing overhead in a typed language in many cases. For larger programs, this overhead isn't important since you get many other benefits, but for small scripts sometimes it can be problematic.
It's not a hard-and-fast rule. It's something that I've experienced when trying to write small scripts in all kinds of typed languages. I keep going back to Python.
For larger scripty things I've found typed languages to work just as well.
> but this necessarily means paying a price in expressiveness.
I don't think this is true. You can have higher level abstractions in Rust too.
But lack of garbage collection and the need for lifetime annotations for references and memory management with Box, Rc, Cell, Mutex, etc, combined with the type definitions makes Rust a lot more verbose than any dynamic language or even statically typed languages with GC like Scala / Go.
That can't be avoided, but you have to be prepared. Rust code can be short and elegant, but it can also be tediously verbose.
Rust gives you much more control over how your program runs, but this necessarily means paying a price in expressiveness.