This is actually the million dollar question, not remotely ridiculous. A lot of web frameworks are built with ease of use, productivity, and "fun" for developers in mind, but neglect security at the framework level, instead leaving security to be reimplemented by the devs on every new project.
But the whole point of a framework is to encapsulate all the things that you have to implement for every new web project, so you don't have to keep redoing that every time, and can instead focus dev time on new features and unique elements of each individual site. Securing against common vulnerabilities should be part of that.
There are a few frameworks that get this right, Lift ( being the best I know of, designed to eliminate most of the OWASP Top 10 Vulns ( using Scala's strong type system and a virtual diff architecture similar to now-in-vogue Javascript frameworks like React. Haskell's Yesod framework is, as mentioned above, another good one in this respect.
But the whole point of a framework is to encapsulate all the things that you have to implement for every new web project, so you don't have to keep redoing that every time, and can instead focus dev time on new features and unique elements of each individual site. Securing against common vulnerabilities should be part of that.
There are a few frameworks that get this right, Lift ( being the best I know of, designed to eliminate most of the OWASP Top 10 Vulns ( using Scala's strong type system and a virtual diff architecture similar to now-in-vogue Javascript frameworks like React. Haskell's Yesod framework is, as mentioned above, another good one in this respect.