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>MS "needs" (?) to prioritize "don't torment your users".

No, no they don't.

If the user knows what they're doing, they run Windows Update manually at times when it's convenient for them (e.g. just before going out to lunch) so that they never encounter a forced reboot situation.

If the user doesn't know what they're doing, they exactly the people who need to be forced to the latest update so they don't wind up inadvertently joining a botnet.

And, of course, there are ways to forcibly disable WU for really advanced users but at that point whatever befalls them is quite clearly their own responsibility.

So, win-win for everybody but the malware makers.

You're right, they don't :-(

Like IBM and Oracle, MS is in the position of "Management says we've already won, so suck it, users!"

OTOH - "I can put whatever I want on my phone, so suck it, Microsoft!"

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