The reason for this is that the whole robotic industry is stuck in lots of small walled in gardens of the past.
No templates, no object orientation, no functional programming, its 1984.0 in the factories. There are pushes by some companies (ABB, Stäubli, Kuka, Denso) but they meet resistance by the customer companies themselves, who view code as some sort of throw away part tailored to a machine, not as something of value that could migrate and grow more powerful, and the same for "similar" lines, where only positions and sizes changed.
Just get your hand on some big manufacturers "coding standards" for robots- and you know what im talking about. They usually dont have standard libs for you to use and no static analysers (unless you count the ranting guy, who oversees standard upholding).
No templates, no object orientation, no functional programming, its 1984.0 in the factories. There are pushes by some companies (ABB, Stäubli, Kuka, Denso) but they meet resistance by the customer companies themselves, who view code as some sort of throw away part tailored to a machine, not as something of value that could migrate and grow more powerful, and the same for "similar" lines, where only positions and sizes changed.
Just get your hand on some big manufacturers "coding standards" for robots- and you know what im talking about. They usually dont have standard libs for you to use and no static analysers (unless you count the ranting guy, who oversees standard upholding).