The desire for simplicity implicit in your statement is admirable. Unfortunately it is so simplistic that it ends up getting it wrong, especially if you don't specify which technology emulates which.
For example if you were to say: "To get idealized VR, take idealized AR and make the display opaque." that is a completely different technical claim than "To get to idealized AR, take idealized VR and make it see through." The reason being, the maximum limits of VR are lower than (or rather different from depending on your view) the maximum limits of AR.
For example if you were to say: "To get idealized VR, take idealized AR and make the display opaque." that is a completely different technical claim than "To get to idealized AR, take idealized VR and make it see through." The reason being, the maximum limits of VR are lower than (or rather different from depending on your view) the maximum limits of AR.