> America has reserved its most inhumane and destructive weapons to be field tested and then used without hesitation on Asian civilian populations.
I think Africans and Native Americans would beg to disagree. Heck, experiments like the Tuskegee Experiment were done not on foreign Africans but natural born Americans who just happened to have black skin.
Stuff like the Sand Creek massacre, Wounded Knee, and so many others just aren't part of our national (or international) consciousness. No body talks about the intentional sterilization of hundreds of thousands of Native American women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_of_Native_Americ...
The outright genocide and outrages perpetrated against the indigenous and enslaved populations are incomparable, but also a separate topic. I am specifically referring to military munitions with that quote and post; without any diminishment of the grave effects of conventional weaponry and opportunistic germ warfare against Native and African Americans, they have not been nuked, clusterbombed, napalmed, and Agent Oranged to death.
I think Africans and Native Americans would beg to disagree. Heck, experiments like the Tuskegee Experiment were done not on foreign Africans but natural born Americans who just happened to have black skin.
Stuff like the Sand Creek massacre, Wounded Knee, and so many others just aren't part of our national (or international) consciousness. No body talks about the intentional sterilization of hundreds of thousands of Native American women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_of_Native_Americ...