Or create an email account. It's impossible to sign up to any web email service to be able to send email not just receive if you don't have a phone.
I needed an untraceable email to send from for reasons I won't go into but couldn't create one.
If you're poor but need a webmail account you need a phone. You can't even put in a fake number since you need to reply to the approval link setup email. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, everyone one I tried all require a phone.
They may allow you to do that. If you are on an IP that they deem not trustable enough, like if you are on a dynamic IP or come from the wrong country, they'll refuse to create the account without some phone verification (to hinder spammers)
I needed an untraceable email to send from for reasons I won't go into but couldn't create one.
If you're poor but need a webmail account you need a phone. You can't even put in a fake number since you need to reply to the approval link setup email. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, everyone one I tried all require a phone.