There is still an incredible amount of isolation. My primary forums are reddit and hacker news, and both are so disproportionately Americo-centric its scary. Google only ever gives me results from American publications and even Duckduckgo has a hard time finding relevant information to my searches from outside the US or West Europe.
Meanwhile, more people in Africa have cell phones than plumbing, and there is realistically almost nowhere in the world without some form of cellular data service now. All these people, however, are in isolated language specific silos of content. Even the Indian Internet is radically different from what I see despite both being in mostly the same language (with some Hindi mixed in).
I am always worried about how little interaction there is, through a medium of effectively no barriers than the ones we make ourselves, between the people of western powers and everyone else who is currently online but either not informed about what the Internet is (and thus just uses SMS) or is isolated from us by language barriers.