As soon as the BCH blockchain actually starts moving, and exchanges start accepting deposits, the price will drop.
The current price on exchanges doesn't reflect the total supply of BCH because a huge majority of BCH is not able to be sold on exchanges.
Everyone who wants to buy BCH is able to do so, but almost nobody who wants to sell BCH is able to do so. Until that's resolved, supply and demand are out of whack. It's not that the markets aren't rational, it's that this market is heavily skewed.
The current price on exchanges doesn't reflect the total supply of BCH because a huge majority of BCH is not able to be sold on exchanges.
Everyone who wants to buy BCH is able to do so, but almost nobody who wants to sell BCH is able to do so. Until that's resolved, supply and demand are out of whack. It's not that the markets aren't rational, it's that this market is heavily skewed.