Slippery slopes are alive and well, particularly in this domain. Go back to 2006 or so and tell them that in a decade, bakeries would be getting sued for not catering gay weddings.
It is entirely right and proper to consider the likely future implications of an act before you decide it's a good idea. Even if it feels really good to stick it to $OUTGROUP just this one time.
> Go back to 2006 or so and tell them that in a decade, bakeries would be getting sued for not catering gay weddings.
Why would I do that? I'm fine with bakeries getting sued for not catering gay weddings, that's one of the advantages of living in a normal society: the ability to petition the courts to seek redress.
> Go back to 2006 or so and tell them that in a decade, bakeries would be getting sued for not catering gay weddings.
Public accommodation laws for sexual orientation were passed in some states before then, and it's a fairly trivial and obvious application of those laws.
It is entirely right and proper to consider the likely future implications of an act before you decide it's a good idea. Even if it feels really good to stick it to $OUTGROUP just this one time.