these two libraries could in principle work together
(e.g. using hugsql's `_-dbvec` variants):
foundations go in plain sql, more complicated stuffs
generated out of Clojure.
for the simple sort of databasing that i've done so far
in Clojure, hugsql alone has sufficed: i tried honeysql.
it boiled down to wanting to write some plain SQL b/c
i found it to be a more unique (good/bad, i dunno)
approach than writing SQL-in-language-_.
how to escape the asterisk in the YC formatting language
binds Clojure functions to SQL
clojars stats:
----these two libraries could in principle work together (e.g. using hugsql's `_-dbvec` variants): foundations go in plain sql, more complicated stuffs generated out of Clojure.
for the simple sort of databasing that i've done so far in Clojure, hugsql alone has sufficed: i tried honeysql. it boiled down to wanting to write some plain SQL b/c i found it to be a more unique (good/bad, i dunno) approach than writing SQL-in-language-_.
how to escape the asterisk in the YC formatting language --__--