I have vaguely similar experiences when hitting up a google search result on Stack Overflow only to discover the answer/solution I'm looking at is one I wrote years ago.
I can relate to this. I once started searching for an I2C driver for a Kinetis microcontroller, only to have Spotlight find one sitting on my hard drive. I had written one and forgot all about it.
This is when I decided to post any reasonably-complete code on GitHub: so that I can easily find it later on.
Out of curiosity, how come Redis uses Lua instead of TCL?
They're both neat, small, fast little languages, and they're both based around a powerful primitive used everywhere (tables in Lua, strings in TCL). I think TCL is a bit more elegant, while Lua is a bit more familiar.
To maximize familiarity indeed. Lua is more algol like. Moreover while the Tcl implementation is small is nowhere near the ANSI C target of Lua that compiles even into a toaster.
For anyone who learned Prolog, implementing Prolog in Prolog is a classic exercise in the language which can be one in a dozen lines. The goal is to be able to modify the language to handle additional syntax that is problem-specific (think about a macro system that can implement in its own syntax).
Even aside from changing the syntax, you often have to do this to modify the resolution strategy, such as using breadth-first instead of depth-first search, or add probabilistic or fuzzy logic. A lot of papers on Prolog from the 80s start with "what would it be like to use logic-X from Prolog?" You can do a lot of interesting deep cuts like this without a huge amount of work. Prolog even has a built-in context-free parser that works the same way: definite clause grammars.
Personally, I would like to see a lisp replicating tcl functionality, in other words an alternative surface syntax that could reuse existing pure tcl libraries or at least be able to transpile them to this lisp.
The word is "metacircular". It's easy in some languages, difficult in others.
I never learned Tcl properly but found the rules for quoting and evaluation of program strings to be a confusing aspect. That was 20 years ago, and I thought the language was effectively dead ten years ago.
Tcl never went away. It's everywhere. It's like Clara Oswald, the impossible girl, always behind the scenes giving crucial aid without drawing attention.