A front end developer with a huge passion for all things JavaScript and Front End! Keen to help people solve problems and create cool things! Fortunate enough to have worked with some big names and open to various types of opportunity. Check out my code/site and hope to hear from you! Don't hesitate to reach out, love a challenge!
A front end developer with a huge passion for all things JavaScript and Front End! Keen to help people solve problems and create cool things! Fortunate enough to have worked with some big names and open to various types of opportunity. Check out my code/site and hope to hear from you! Don't hesitate to reach out, love a challenge!
Technologies: Javascript, ES5/6, React, React-Native, Redux, CSS, SASS/SCSS, Stylus, Less, Webpack 1/2, HTML, jade/pug, CoffeeScript, gulp, grunt, Node, Angular, Backbone, marionette, MEAN stack, Riot, TDD, HTML5 Canvas, GSAP, Flux etc.
Resume: available on request.
Contact: https://jh3y.github.io (needs some update)
Github: https://github.com/jh3y
Codepen: https://codepen.io/jh3y
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/jheytompkins