There are many reasons why someone would want to do that:
- Scientific Curiosity.
- School/University Research.
- Building a real bomb and detonating it on your own private land for your own pleasure.
The idiocy is accepting that researching extreme content is evil. It is not.
There are evil people. Period. Blocking access to information makes life worse for everyone. Evil people will use Trucks, Knifes and maybe their hands?
What's next? Prohibiting cars, trucks, knives and athletic guys who could be more powerful than the average citizen.
> The idiocy is accepting that researching extreme content is evil. It is not.
The Govt people don't believe that, otherwise they would need to arrest themselves.
They just want to do some terror on the populace to the extent that merely knowing something exists makes you a suspect. That is police state 101, it makes people turn their neighbors in even without much evidence, so they are seen as not involved.
- Scientific Curiosity.
- School/University Research.
- Building a real bomb and detonating it on your own private land for your own pleasure.
The idiocy is accepting that researching extreme content is evil. It is not.
There are evil people. Period. Blocking access to information makes life worse for everyone. Evil people will use Trucks, Knifes and maybe their hands?
What's next? Prohibiting cars, trucks, knives and athletic guys who could be more powerful than the average citizen.