TL;DR: Looking for employment resources in Finance Programming / Trading algorithms?
I'm in a rock and hard place...
I have the ability to write stock trading algorithms. Also Cryptocurrencies, options, and if need be futures and FX.
I call myself a depression coder, meaning that during the great recession I couldn't find a job, so I took off my MBA in Finance on my resume and started teaching myself php and Mysql. So I don't have the Computer Science Degree or do I have the Statistic PHD, but I'm right in the middle. Currently, I'm a full employed programmer.
What is clear is that market is clearing moving to complete automation.
In Addition, I have made my home in Denver, with no desire to move to co-location alley (NJ,NY).
With all the list of my demands, I was wondering if any can point me to a website/recruiters/firms that specialize in algorithmic trading.
Some of my work is on my profile link.
I usually connect with specific recruiters through LinkedIn. It's been a while since I dug into this as at one point, I was thinking about financial engineering. I'll see if I can find my old links.