Verification, showing that the spec and the impl agree. This is usually done with comprehensive tests if it's done at all, and very rarely with formal methods (since formal specs are so rare). TLS 1.0 is not a formal spec.
Concurrently, you have validation. This is arguably far far more important, since it's cheaper to fix this before you go spend money on verification. Validation is showing that the spec, IS THE RIGHT SPEC! This is where you would have put almost all your cryptographers when developing TLS 1.0, and there's work on doing this with TLS 1.3 (eg,
Once you have a formal spec, written in an automated, machine-checked system, you can start analyzing it with formal methods. This is super super powerful. The seL4 specification, even at its most abstract, is rather subtle and quite long. It's hard to reason with it. But since they already had a formal spec, they could analyze that spec at its highest level of abstraction to prove valuable security properties: confidentiality and integrity. Now, you don't have to look at the whole spec to validate it for your security requirements. You just have to look at the statements of confidentiality and integrity and validate those.
This is standard high-assurance software development, and it's not taught or practice very often.
>What does ordered mean? How do I compare a number and a string? A binary blob? A structure? Is there a restriction on the word "same" - do they have to be the existing object, or can it be a copy? Should the answer be in the same memory space as the original, or should it be a distinct memory object? Can the original be modified?
this is completely uninteresting in any formal spec system, because it fixes those details usually implicitly. you're usually comparing things of the same type, or using an explicit comparison operator that has stated properties (which become proof obligations).
Verification, showing that the spec and the impl agree. This is usually done with comprehensive tests if it's done at all, and very rarely with formal methods (since formal specs are so rare). TLS 1.0 is not a formal spec.
Concurrently, you have validation. This is arguably far far more important, since it's cheaper to fix this before you go spend money on verification. Validation is showing that the spec, IS THE RIGHT SPEC! This is where you would have put almost all your cryptographers when developing TLS 1.0, and there's work on doing this with TLS 1.3 (eg,
Once you have a formal spec, written in an automated, machine-checked system, you can start analyzing it with formal methods. This is super super powerful. The seL4 specification, even at its most abstract, is rather subtle and quite long. It's hard to reason with it. But since they already had a formal spec, they could analyze that spec at its highest level of abstraction to prove valuable security properties: confidentiality and integrity. Now, you don't have to look at the whole spec to validate it for your security requirements. You just have to look at the statements of confidentiality and integrity and validate those.
This is standard high-assurance software development, and it's not taught or practice very often.
>What does ordered mean? How do I compare a number and a string? A binary blob? A structure? Is there a restriction on the word "same" - do they have to be the existing object, or can it be a copy? Should the answer be in the same memory space as the original, or should it be a distinct memory object? Can the original be modified?
this is completely uninteresting in any formal spec system, because it fixes those details usually implicitly. you're usually comparing things of the same type, or using an explicit comparison operator that has stated properties (which become proof obligations).