I came here to say this. Would have been a lot better if it were all in a single window. The browser chrome doesn't help anything, and it just gives you bad associations of annoying popup ads.
Though playing the demo with one eye on Task Manager shows only two processes (for the whole duration) - one hovering mostly around 50-60% CPU load, another at 0-5%.
Checking this with my CPU intensive demos, this looks like normal Chrome behavior (two processes, one with high load). New process seems to spawn only for new tabs.
So it doesn't seem like such optimization was used.
I think it's something like one process per "connected" set of windows/frames (those which can talk to each other and thus are expected to be single threaded), plus one per Web Worker (V8 is not threadsafe)
If you manage to navigate away from the browser, good luck restoring the state.
Also why to spoil beautiful content by putting chrome (lowercase) around it?