Good on you. If the mayor can't enforce his own bus lanes, then they're no use and might as well be removed. Just let people park there! If the bus riders complain, tell them the truth - they can't afford to police them and/or the state won't allow cameras.
SF solves this by putting cameras on the busses themselves. Bus driver sees someone blocking the bus stop or bus lane, presses a button and creates a ticket.
You get a live witness, video footage and only enforcing it when a bus needs that space.
It works too, uber drivers do not like picking up people in bus stops.
You could extended it to citizen cyclists too with some political controversy.
I would love to be able to write tickets on cars illegally parked in bike lanes. Give me a ticket book and I'll work for free. I'll even document every ticket with unimpeachable timestamped video footage.
In some German cities you can email the police a photo along with a description when and where the infraction took place and they will issue a ticket. In other cities you might have to mail it the old-fashioned way.