Legitimate question: how would you expect Redux _or_ any other state management framework to solve those problems for you? Or, to phrase it another way: how do other frameworks or libraries actually tackle this problem already, in a way that Redux doesn't?
My own apps have been fairly simple in that regard, so while I've seen a bunch of libraries to handle data fetching in various capacities, it's not an area I've had to deal with myself. So, I'm not sure what kind of "other framework handles it this way" comparisons exist.
It's not that other frameworks are so awesome at it, either. But other frameworks (e.g. Apple's frameworks such as Cocoa/UIKit, Core Data, etc.) typically don't provide the kind of strict state-machine purity that Redux promotes. These things are just easier to wire together imperatively, because data changes don't necessarily have to be broadcast and "reduced" the way that Redux forces you to. So some of these problems are self-inflicted.
My own apps have been fairly simple in that regard, so while I've seen a bunch of libraries to handle data fetching in various capacities, it's not an area I've had to deal with myself. So, I'm not sure what kind of "other framework handles it this way" comparisons exist.