This may be a regional thing, but here in NJ that's not even close to true.
For example: The [Tea Neck] district's Median Teacher Salary of $66,900 is ranked 92nd in the state in its grouping
Also: ( )
How do salaries grow in New Jersey? Starting Salary: $38,408 Average Salary: $58,156
This chart ( ) Shows that nationally, a high school teacher with 20 years' experience is probably making $50K-$70K
This may be a regional thing, but here in NJ that's not even close to true.
For example: The [Tea Neck] district's Median Teacher Salary of $66,900 is ranked 92nd in the state in its grouping
Also: ( )
And a friendly bar graph, comparing states: chart ( ) Shows that nationally, a high school teacher with 20 years' experience is probably making $50K-$70K