Sounds like the return of Apple from years ago: in house everything, walled garden everything, including graphic stack, custom CPU, etc.
It almost ruined them (desperately holding on to their drastically interior CPU). What could go wrong this time? Especially when they no longer have Steve running the show.
has anyone actually made a solid case that Apple's current generation of silicon is "drastically inferior"?
Didn't Windows (on desktop) ignore OpenGL in favor of DirectX for years to great success, because it was deeply integrated into the platform?
Yes, Apple's ecosystem is the same walled garden it's always been. Any time it wasn't was an anomaly. The best fanboy response I can give is that they seem MUCH more willing to work with partners this time around.
It almost ruined them (desperately holding on to their drastically interior CPU). What could go wrong this time? Especially when they no longer have Steve running the show.