*nix consoles typically have two buffers - many full-screen temrinal applications switch to the "alternate screen" on start and back to the principal screen on exit. That's why when you exit vim(1), you see the terminal state back as it was before you started it. Will ConPty support this?
Yep! It'll probably act a little different than you'd expect - the pseudoconsole itself will switch between the primary and alt buffers, leaving the terminal in the main buffer always. We'll "render" the contents of the alt buffer to the terminal, then when the client app switches back to the main buffer, conpty will re-render the contents of the main buffer to the terminal.
It's not the most elegant solution, but we're still very early in on this project. We still have lots of improvements to be made to the infrastructure and translation, and even as I type this up, I'm thinking there's probably a better way of handling alt buffers.