You need to master ONE method sufficiently and you may easily become satisfied.
Simplest method there is is the file system and files. That method is offered on each computer. Make your own hierarchy.
In general, I suggest 2 folders, one for individuals, one for groups.
In the folder of individuals, you are sorting by name or also by their ID number their files, files that arrived from individuals.
You may symlink the individual folder to a group file, thus knowing which individual belongs to which group, or individual may be symlinked to multiple groups.
Within groups, you can have further hierarchy, those can be groups of knowledge, for example "All about God" put in one folder with the hierarchy below, there you can place your research on Elohim, Summerians, or Annunaki, whatever you may want.
Other folder may be for your personal mind development, you place things underneath.
Some folders may be related to the humanity, groups, countries, and similar.
Sciences can be organized that way.
All you need is a computer, text editor, and file system, and knowing how to use the file system.
People placing everything on "Desktop" have yet a long learning period to go to understand why is there a file system.
Simplest method there is is the file system and files. That method is offered on each computer. Make your own hierarchy.
In general, I suggest 2 folders, one for individuals, one for groups.
In the folder of individuals, you are sorting by name or also by their ID number their files, files that arrived from individuals.
You may symlink the individual folder to a group file, thus knowing which individual belongs to which group, or individual may be symlinked to multiple groups.
Within groups, you can have further hierarchy, those can be groups of knowledge, for example "All about God" put in one folder with the hierarchy below, there you can place your research on Elohim, Summerians, or Annunaki, whatever you may want.
Other folder may be for your personal mind development, you place things underneath.
Some folders may be related to the humanity, groups, countries, and similar.
Sciences can be organized that way.
All you need is a computer, text editor, and file system, and knowing how to use the file system.
People placing everything on "Desktop" have yet a long learning period to go to understand why is there a file system.