I don't skip breakfast, and I'd rather not eat in a car. I used to eat in the car, and I'm much happier and healthier not doing that.
I chat with friends and family over Bluetooth headset already when I want to.
I get enough sleep, believe it or not. I do agree this could be helpful for people who don't.
Podcasts work great for me today, although I this is a decent suggestion.
Doing nothing, in a good way, is exactly what I like about driving. It's a chance to be mindful in the present moment with a controlled activity. I don't need a computer to drive for me to do "nothing".
> Doing nothing, in a good way, is exactly what I like about driving. It's a chance to be mindful in the present moment with a controlled activity. I don't need a computer to drive for me to do "nothing".
That's fine for you, but surely you don't expect everyone else to share your enjoyment of driving, do you? Lots of people would like to do something else with their time.
No, people are free to enjoy their journey or not as they please. I just don't share the idea that being trapped in a metal box equals freedom just because I don't need to participate in thinking about where I'm going.
The claim was that it gave you the option of using your required travel time for something else, if you want, like you can do on a bus, train, or plane today.
And depending on how safe a driver you were before, perhaps you'll get some more safety.
Actually that is kind of a money quote. What is the killer app(lication) of driverless cars (figuratively)? Aren't they a solution looking for problems probably better served by other means?
> What is the killer app(lication) of driverless cars (figuratively)?
They can take you places that buses, trains and planes can't take you directly today, the places that you must use a car, driven by either yourself, or someone else, to get to today.
Of course, if you have a very good bus or train system where you live, then this is less the case, but most areas in the US don't have good public transit coverage.
There is an orthogonal problem, though, which is the congestion caused by all low-occupancy vehicles (self-driving vehicles included). This can (and hopefully will) be addressed by bringing self-driving tech to higher occupancy vehicles, like minibuses and full sized buses.
I chat with friends and family over Bluetooth headset already when I want to.
I get enough sleep, believe it or not. I do agree this could be helpful for people who don't.
Podcasts work great for me today, although I this is a decent suggestion.
Doing nothing, in a good way, is exactly what I like about driving. It's a chance to be mindful in the present moment with a controlled activity. I don't need a computer to drive for me to do "nothing".