OOP in that sense leans very close to concepts of normal humans.
Objects, things objects can do, objects have separate responsibilities, etc.
This is not entirely accurate. Human languages are closer to functional languages: they have verbs that operate on nouns. Verbs are not attached to nouns, but rather, the operation of the verb is dependent on the noun.
I think the claim may have been that the brain is usually doing something more akin to "noun.verb(...)", rather than "verb(noun, ...)".
It's a very interesting question. The concepts of agency and intention are very important in human cognition. If we hear a sound, we wonder if some intentional agent (predator, enemy, etc) that we need to be aware of caused the sound. Or if it was something inanimate like the wind rustling a tree.
The OOP paradigm seems to map more closely to agents taking action. But perhaps my speculations aren't well grounded. I'm not sure.
It is a very interesting question. As an FP fan, I'd argue that we model the world primarily in terms of the actions we want to perform, with the objects secondary. But I'm obviously biases.
Furthermore, perhaps how we actually model the world mentally is or should not bear much of a relation to how we do so in code.
I haven't made my mind up about these things, even though I lean towards the FP approach in my day to day coding. But I love (constructive) discussions about the issue because somehow I feel they're about more than just 'making shit work'. Aside from the occasional flame-war I really like the discussions on HN about this stuff, and usually there are at least a few comments that give me new insight into both OOP and FP.
Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, red pepper flakes, and rice. Cook, stirring, to coat rice with oil, about 3 minutes. Stir in saffron threads, bay leaf, parsley, chicken stock, and lemon zest.
I'm not saying there's no place for OOP in the English language, but I strongly disagree that OOP always, or even most of the time, reads as OOP.