In fact, the video states this for all convex shapes.
I've been trying something similar for 2D, but there it doesn't quite seem to hold.
Consider a very thin rectangle of size 1 by epsilon. Then it has circumference 2 (ignoring the epsilon).
The shadow it casts at angle phi has size |sin phi|. Now, if we average |sin phi| from 0 to 180 degrees, (or 0 to 360 or 0 to 90) we get (2 / pi).
I haven't checked whether this average holds for things other than thin rectangles, but I'd imagine so. I then find it weird we get a trancendental number in 2D but an integer in 3D.
Not a surprise to see pi in there really, since we're averaging over "surfaces" of circles/spheres. In general (spoiler), it does generalize to arbitrary dimensions. We get a rational factor for odd dimensions, and 1/pi * rational for even.