Disagree. GP comment's language "joining coinbase was a no-brainer" was as pathetically guileless as SV gets. There is no world in which joining Coinbase was a "no-brainer," even if it was the right decision. Coinbase is a company with basically only one purpose - helping people buy and sell crypto currency. That it helps less technical people do that, or sharing a engineering manager with AWS Lambda doesn't exactly sell the idea that this is just the next obvious thing for Blockspring to do.
There was probably something wrong with the company. That's fine, that's okay, most companies fail. There's no shame in it.
We just don't enjoy being lied to badly. Lie better, at least.
I think i am looking for some level of honesty, away from the usual we are so excited narrative. Acquihires are almost always bittersweet for the founders. Excitement is not in the spirit of acquihires.
If we can be more honest with motives, it would make sv a better place, imho.