Well don't be too excited about it, because laws like the one this article is about makes that kind of response impossible (as in you WILL be thrown in jail for the rest of your life if you attempt to do that).
And even in the US it still isn't a sure thing that Lavabit's response would work again if someone else tried it. I don't know the details, but I believe there is still some uncertainty around if the FBI just kind of "allowed" them to close down by not pursuing it any further, or if they got what they needed, or of secret laws were changed because of this instance.
In Lavabit's case, there was a lot of FBI involvement, a lot of secret court orders and gag orders, and a lot of accusations from the owner of Lavabit that he was brought to secret courts without legal representation and no chance to appeal, and even he says that there are things he still can't talk about.