If I have commented and then verified my email I want unverified nodes as a todo.
Welcome to Remarkbox. You have unverified comments. Please check they belong to you and verify them. You will then be notified if somebody replies to them.
[x] I suggest something better / 1 days ago / foo.com/blog/a-good-choice
[x] I am stuck at X / 2 days ago / foo.docs.com/product/intro
[These are my comments, verify them]
Login state should be represented in a consistent place. If I am not logged in, there is a email field at the bottom. If I am logged in, there is my username at top. A gravatar would have helped.
If I have commented and then verified my email I want unverified nodes as a todo.
" Welcome to Remarkbox. You have unverified comments. Please check they belong to you and verify them. You will then be notified if somebody replies to them.
[x] I suggest something better / 1 days ago / foo.com/blog/a-good-choice
[x] I am stuck at X / 2 days ago / foo.docs.com/product/intro
[These are my comments, verify them] "
Login state should be represented in a consistent place. If I am not logged in, there is a email field at the bottom. If I am logged in, there is my username at top. A gravatar would have helped.