The opening statement of the author is really overblown and sensationalist. Only at the end of the thread did he admit that all data there apparently come from net cafes, but 1. there is no evidence that messages from private devices are being included in this database 2. one has to understand that China is vast, and each local authority differs a lot from the next one in deciding what it does. It totally wouldn't surprise me that the local authorities of several cities/provinces decided to sign a contract with this net cafe management software provider, who essentially installs a spyware on each net cafe computer and routes the traffic to the police. Doesn't suggest it's any sort of coordinated, deliberate action from the central government though. Comparing it to PRISM and NSA is highly misleading and irresponsible, and just putting a blanket word "China's" in the title is inaccurate. Sadly it's how most news stories are done these days.