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> FP and OO are overly complicated, and it is not feasible in large industries.

This is just an absurd statement on its face given how much of the internet runs on OO languages.

Do you think their code has reached the level of large industrial standard parts?

Is the level of programmers as standardized as that of blue-collar workers?

I don't think their production methods meet the standards of large industrial production: simple, consistent, standard, Pipeline, repeatable, linear expansion.

> Is the level of programmers as standardized as that of blue-collar workers?

Is the level of journalists as standardized as that of blue-collar workers?

It would literally be absurd to say yes.

> I don't think their production methods meet the standards of large industrial production: simple, consistent, standard, Pipeline, repeatable, linear expansion.

You certainly have a litany of buzzwords.

Indeed: https://www.dreamsongs.com/ObjectsHaveNotFailedNarr.html (Objects Have Not Failed, Guy Steele 2002)

That said, I somewhat cringe to think that it's mostly Java-style OOP that Steele is talking about here. Maybe it's that low-pass filter that Alan Kay is always talking about.

Rebuttal: https://www.dreamsongs.com/ObjectsHaveFailedNarrative.html (Objects Have Failed, Richard P. Gabriel 2002)

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