Can someone use a throwaway e-mail address to sign up for Facebook?
Once the e-mail address is validated, is there any further need for a valid e-mail address to continue using FB?
Historical fact: Going back to the days when a university address was required, if the user created her Facebook account while at university and her e-mail address later expired when she graduated, FB did not disable the account.
Unless one wants to get notifications and other FB crud via email, AFAIK there is no need for a working e-mail address to use FB.
Yes. I use throw-away email addresses for everything. When a company gets popped or "accidentally" leak my email address, I simply add a header check and reject or discard them. I was on FB for 2 weeks when it started and I still see them in my logs from time to time trying to fish me back into the system.
I wanted to create a FB account while giving as minimal data as possible. While it's possible to create an account using temporary emails / temporary phone numbers, FB eventually asks you to submit more details.
This includes clicking verification links, uploading your photo, providing phone numbers etc.
Even when I managed to do all these (using fake data), my accounts got disabled in few days.
PS: when I used my email id associated with my FB account deleted back in ~2012, I found out it wasn't deleted. FB asked me to recognize pictures of my friends. So I believe no detail that ever passes the event horizon of facebook can ever leave it.
Just use a throwaway email account AND keep it? At some point they might decide to lock you out if you log in from a different place, I think it's better if you keep the email account safe.
I created a temporary email on my domain to use for the Facebook account creation and then disabled it so I stop getting spammed.. I can always re-enable it if I ever need to.
Once the e-mail address is validated, is there any further need for a valid e-mail address to continue using FB?
Historical fact: Going back to the days when a university address was required, if the user created her Facebook account while at university and her e-mail address later expired when she graduated, FB did not disable the account.
Unless one wants to get notifications and other FB crud via email, AFAIK there is no need for a working e-mail address to use FB.