Citation needed? I've been using React for 5 years and don't foresee not using it any time soon.
Even if it's still true, "churn" translates to progress. It would be hard to argue complex web application UI development isn't better off now than it was 10 years ago.
I don't have a citation, but a colleague of mine who's working on front-end projects repeatedly complains that today's JS stacks require half a dozen base JS packages, which in turn download dozens if not hundreds of ancillary packages, not to mention requiring a couple of transpilers and a bunch of tooling.
And for what? Well, just to be able to render some text and a couple of buttons.
Nowadays we have whole server projects that take less than 50MB of source code and dependencies to build, while a miserable SPA with a login screen and a couple of menus and buttons requires nearly 400MB of JS.
Out of curiosity, which frameworks/libraries are you referring to, and why do you think they are nicer than the "UI as a function of state" style libraries like React?
The JS framework churn makes me super appreciative of the stability that SQL brings.