Is that true? The build instructions are for a Posix-like evironment, but I haven't actually looked to see if the actual implementation supports Windows yet.
As someone who runs Windows and Linux about equally, in differing proportions over time, I do find it disappointing that some (b)leading edge JVM and Java features don't support Windows yet.
It's a prototype. It will support Windows when it's released, and probably sooner. We're literally changing it every day, and it's hard and not very productive to make these daily changes on multiple platforms, especially as none of the current developers use Windows (this is changing soon, though).
> I do find it disappointing that some (b)leading edge JVM and Java features don't support Windows yet
Seems understandable though. Java is primarily a tool for heavyweight Unix servers, after all. (This is of course an empirical claim, and I have no source, but I'd be surprised if I turn out to be mistaken.)
Makes good sense to go with the strategy of building an industry-strength technology before investing the time to handle Windows.