Yeah, this is why I actually read the privacy policy on every app I install now. I've done this for the past 6mo or so. At this point I basically don't purchase apps that store any of my information on their servers (unless of course it's fundamentally required for the service, such as Spotify or the like).
I'm a bit confused. Shouldn't there be equal concern for apps that _share_ data with third-parties? The first-party app doesn't need to store any of the information in that case; they just hand it off in-transit.
And have you had any luck with installing apps with such criteria? I'm on a similar boat, and primarily use F-Droid apps.
Oh, yeah of course sharing data with 3rd parties is even more "nope" than just storing it themselves.
The last app I looked at to consider purchasing, "Clear Todos", which was highly-reputed at some point? Their Privacy Policy link in App Store actually hits a 404 error page. To say the least, I almost never purchase anything from App Store these days. It's a pretty dire landscape, but I'm tired of "being the product", and I am willing to give up a lot of stuff to lessen how often my information is used/stored/profited from.