I used to think the same thing, but now I think that artistic skill is like any other. Some people are more natural than others, but in the end you've got to work hard to get it. I guarantee you that every one of those designers have put forth enormous amounts of effort to be proficient.
I'm learning design because I don't want to have to rely on others to be creative for me. It's a slow and laborious process, but can be fun when I look back on previous projects.
I think you are absolutely right. While we all have natural talents and proclivities, being good at one thing, like coding, doesn't mean you're hopeless at another, like designing. I think coders expect that if we can't design as effortlessly as we code, we've got no business doing it, but if you put the same level of effort into learning it as you would a new technology, you'll probably be surprised at the results.
I'm learning design because I don't want to have to rely on others to be creative for me. It's a slow and laborious process, but can be fun when I look back on previous projects.
2008: http://pycmds.appspot.com/
2009: http://www.caterpi.com/
2010: http://www.thrutched.com/
In my own path I'm far from there yet, though I know where I want to be.