The product sounds great to me! The workflow is pretty much the same as the one I'm using currently with my girl friend.
I haven't tried Pinegrow Snapshots or Pinegrow Web Editor yet. Just by reading the description, I'm not sure how I go from "STEP 2 - EDITING" to "STEP 3 - SHARING & FEEDBACK". Concretely, when do the edited snaphots got pushed to GitHub? Step 3 mentioned GitHub and Slack, are they required tools or can I substitute them with, say, Dropbox and talking to each other face to face?
Using Github and Slack are just examples. Snapshots and Pinegrow Web Editor work with your local files, so you can use whatever tools and workflow you prefer.
Pinegrow Snapshots has a single feature – taking HTML snapshots. Use your other tools (like Pinegrow Web Editor, GitHub, Slack…) for editing, collaboration and implementing changes.
1. you snapshot the rendered HTML of a webapp at a specific page
2. Send it to someone to style that snapshot
3. Developer gets back that styled snapshot and incorporates the changes back into the app?
Is there a means for the developer to diff the old snapshot and the newly styled HTML? That could make it much easier to manage the changes.
Cool idea though!!