It is quite up for debate whether it is more appropriate or not. Your view may not necessarily be the most correct. That is not a discussion to be had on Hacker News, regardless.
I see this a lot. People who are known to be trans in the wider LGBTQ+ community die, then their family deadnames them to the press, and people come out of the woodworks to defend the family and the press while ignoring the wishes of the person who died.
Sometimes, like in this case, it's complicated because they're only out to a few people. I would still rather err on the side of what close friends say rather than family. The family probably had no idea. They rarely do until someone's ready to come out to everyone.
> I would still rather err on the side of what close friends say rather than family.
Yeah I was thinking of the same. If they came out to their friends, it's probably who they wanted to be and felt most comfortable sharing with. It was also how they would have liked to have been remembered.
I have no knowledge here, but it seems like you're saying that journalists should out people who aren't out to their families? Doing that without having clear evidence of the person's intent seems it might be an invasion of privacy?