I’d say this is schema-dependent. If you’re talking about plist files, sure; those are ugly and unintuitive. But on the whole I find XML far easier to read than JSON. With closing tags, what you lose in terseness is made up for with scannability: it’s easier to understand the document hierarchy at a glance, and find your place again after editing. Whereas with JSON I often have to match curly braces in my head, or add comments like `// /foo` which isn’t even possible outside of JS proper or a lax-parser environment.
I’d say this is schema-dependent. If you’re talking about plist files, sure; those are ugly and unintuitive. But on the whole I find XML far easier to read than JSON. With closing tags, what you lose in terseness is made up for with scannability: it’s easier to understand the document hierarchy at a glance, and find your place again after editing. Whereas with JSON I often have to match curly braces in my head, or add comments like `// /foo` which isn’t even possible outside of JS proper or a lax-parser environment.