Here are some concrete examples of some actual JavaScript code that dynamically generates a bunch of JSON, both to create, configure, send message to, and handle messages from Unity3D prefabs and objects, and also to represent higher level interactive user interface objects like pie menus.
What this illustrates should be blindingly obvious: that JavaScript is the ideal language for doing this kind of dynamic JSON generation and event handling, so there's no need for a special purpose JSON templating language.
Making a JSON templating language in JavaScript would be as silly as making a HTML templating language in PHP (cough i.e. "Smarty" cough).
JavaScript is already a JSON templating language, just as PHP is already an HTML templating language.
UnityJS applications create and configure objects by making lots and lots of parameterized JSON structures and sending them to Unity, to instantiate and parent prefabs, configure and query properties with path expressions, define event handlers that can drill down and cherry pick exactly which parameters are sent back with events using path expressions (the handler functions themselves are filtered out of the JSON and kept and executed on the JavaScript side), etc.
At a higher level, they typically suck in a bunch of application specific JSON data (like company models and financial data), and transform it into a whole bunch of lower level UnityJS JSON object specifications (like balls and springs and special purpose components), or intermediate JSON user interface models like pie menus, to create and configure Unity3D prefabs and wire up their event handlers and user interfaces. Basically you're transforming JSON to JSON, and associating callback functions, and sending it back and forth in messages and events between JavaScript and Unity.
There are also a bunch of standard JSON formats for representing common Unity3D types (colors, vectors, quaternions, animation curves, material updates, etc), and a JSON/C# bridge that converts back and forth.
This is a straightforward function that creates a bunch of default objects (tweener, light, camera, ground) and sets up some event handlers, by creating and configuring a few Unity3D prefabs, and setting up a pie menu and camera mouse tracking handlers.
Notice how the "interests" for events include both a "query" template that says what parameters to send with the event (and can reach around anywhere to grab any accessible value with path expressions), and also a "handler" function that's kept locally and not sent to Unity, but is passed the result of the query that was executed in Unity just before sending the event. The point is that every "MouseDown" handler doesn't need to see the exact same parameters, it's a waste to send unneeded parameter, and some handlers need to see very specific parameters from elsewhere (shift keys, screen coordinates, 3d raycast hits, camera transform, other application state, etc). So each specific handler gets to declare exactly which if any query parameters are sent with the event, up front in the interest specification, to eliminate round trips and unnecessary parameters.
The following code is a more complex example that creates the Unity3D PieTracker object, which handles input and pie menu tracking, and sends JSON messages to the JavaScript world.pieTracker object and JSON pie menu specifications, which handle the messages, present and track pie menus (which it can draw with both the JavaScript canvas 2D api and Unity 3D objects), and execute JavaScript callbacks (both for dynamic tracking feedback, and final menu selection).
Pie menus are also represented by JSON of course. A pie can contain zero or more slices (which are selected by direction), and a slice can contain zero or more items (which are selected or parameterized by cursor distance). They support all kinds of real time tracking callbacks so you can provide custom feedback. And you can make JSON template functions for creating common types of slices and tracking interactions.
This is a JavaScript template function MakeParameterSlice(label, name, calculator, updater), which is a template for creating a parameterized pie menu "pull out" slice that tracks the cursor distance from the center of the pie menu, to control some parameter (i.e. you can pick a selection like a font by moving into a slice, and also "pull out" the font size parameter by moving further away from the menu center, and it can provide feedback showing that font in that size on the overlay, or by updating a 3d object in the world, to preview what you will get in real time. This template simply returns a blob of JSON with handlers (filtered out before being sent to Unity3D, and kept and executed locally) that does all that stuff automatically, so it's very easy to define your own "pull out" pie menu slices that do custom tracking.
What this illustrates should be blindingly obvious: that JavaScript is the ideal language for doing this kind of dynamic JSON generation and event handling, so there's no need for a special purpose JSON templating language.
Making a JSON templating language in JavaScript would be as silly as making a HTML templating language in PHP (cough i.e. "Smarty" cough).
JavaScript is already a JSON templating language, just as PHP is already an HTML templating language.
UnityJS applications create and configure objects by making lots and lots of parameterized JSON structures and sending them to Unity, to instantiate and parent prefabs, configure and query properties with path expressions, define event handlers that can drill down and cherry pick exactly which parameters are sent back with events using path expressions (the handler functions themselves are filtered out of the JSON and kept and executed on the JavaScript side), etc.
At a higher level, they typically suck in a bunch of application specific JSON data (like company models and financial data), and transform it into a whole bunch of lower level UnityJS JSON object specifications (like balls and springs and special purpose components), or intermediate JSON user interface models like pie menus, to create and configure Unity3D prefabs and wire up their event handlers and user interfaces. Basically you're transforming JSON to JSON, and associating callback functions, and sending it back and forth in messages and events between JavaScript and Unity.
There are also a bunch of standard JSON formats for representing common Unity3D types (colors, vectors, quaternions, animation curves, material updates, etc), and a JSON/C# bridge that converts back and forth.
This is a straightforward function that creates a bunch of default objects (tweener, light, camera, ground) and sets up some event handlers, by creating and configuring a few Unity3D prefabs, and setting up a pie menu and camera mouse tracking handlers.
Notice how the "interests" for events include both a "query" template that says what parameters to send with the event (and can reach around anywhere to grab any accessible value with path expressions), and also a "handler" function that's kept locally and not sent to Unity, but is passed the result of the query that was executed in Unity just before sending the event. The point is that every "MouseDown" handler doesn't need to see the exact same parameters, it's a waste to send unneeded parameter, and some handlers need to see very specific parameters from elsewhere (shift keys, screen coordinates, 3d raycast hits, camera transform, other application state, etc). So each specific handler gets to declare exactly which if any query parameters are sent with the event, up front in the interest specification, to eliminate round trips and unnecessary parameters.
The following code is a more complex example that creates the Unity3D PieTracker object, which handles input and pie menu tracking, and sends JSON messages to the JavaScript world.pieTracker object and JSON pie menu specifications, which handle the messages, present and track pie menus (which it can draw with both the JavaScript canvas 2D api and Unity 3D objects), and execute JavaScript callbacks (both for dynamic tracking feedback, and final menu selection).
Pie menus are also represented by JSON of course. A pie can contain zero or more slices (which are selected by direction), and a slice can contain zero or more items (which are selected or parameterized by cursor distance). They support all kinds of real time tracking callbacks so you can provide custom feedback. And you can make JSON template functions for creating common types of slices and tracking interactions.
This is a JavaScript template function MakeParameterSlice(label, name, calculator, updater), which is a template for creating a parameterized pie menu "pull out" slice that tracks the cursor distance from the center of the pie menu, to control some parameter (i.e. you can pick a selection like a font by moving into a slice, and also "pull out" the font size parameter by moving further away from the menu center, and it can provide feedback showing that font in that size on the overlay, or by updating a 3d object in the world, to preview what you will get in real time. This template simply returns a blob of JSON with handlers (filtered out before being sent to Unity3D, and kept and executed locally) that does all that stuff automatically, so it's very easy to define your own "pull out" pie menu slices that do custom tracking.