I feel like nobody is bringing up one of the core challenges that the U.S. has that many countries don't. You just vote for way too much fucking stuff at once. In Canada, our ballots are literally just a list of candidates for a single seat. Very occasionally, there will be a single referendum question attached to it. That's it. I've never voted and been asked for more than two choices except for municipal elections. I searched for "sample 2016" ballot and the first result (Sumter County, Florida) had--I shit you not--26 separate votes on it.
I bring this up not to criticize, but to put those who think that paper ballets are impractical in a bit of context. Of course you'll be begging for electronic systems when all of your voting is done on a single day and you vote for who gets to be the janitor.
I bring this up not to criticize, but to put those who think that paper ballets are impractical in a bit of context. Of course you'll be begging for electronic systems when all of your voting is done on a single day and you vote for who gets to be the janitor.