Just because nutjobs like to try to invoke constitutional rights doesn't mean those rights don't exist and can't be helpfully invoked. The stereotypical nutjob-invoking-constitutional-rights move is to respond to every police encounter by asking, "am I being detained?", but sometimes you're better off asking that question.
He kind of has a point, though -- I agree the right to travel does not specify a specific mode of travel and should cover planes, but then pretty much everything that goes on w.r.t. planes and cars is unconstitutional.
(Consider that while the government definitely has the right to tax you for road use, requiring you provide an ID to prove you paid a tax is like requiring you to carry an ID proving you paid your federal income tax, or requiring an ID to exercise free speech.)
"Am I being detained" is level 1 nutjob stuff, fairly normal. Incorrectly invoking a "right to travel" is advanced nutjob. It will immediately make a lawyer think you're a sovereign citizen since that's a cornerstone of their legal philosophy.