>Even if 90% of users use the centralized service, the protocol being open gives enormous value to the remaining 10%
It's more than that. The 90% benefit greatly from the openess too. All the @gmail.com can talk to @yahoo.com or @hotmail.com or @whatever.com. Try to get your whatsapp to talk to my telegram app or some other chat app.
It's a pain to don't have whatsapp and only a small inconvenience for whatsapp-users to have to deal with somebody like me. But it's my way to point out what is broken about chat apps.
It's more than that. The 90% benefit greatly from the openess too. All the @gmail.com can talk to @yahoo.com or @hotmail.com or @whatever.com. Try to get your whatsapp to talk to my telegram app or some other chat app.
It's a pain to don't have whatsapp and only a small inconvenience for whatsapp-users to have to deal with somebody like me. But it's my way to point out what is broken about chat apps.