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Why Arrington is Wrong about Yahoo!-Google Deal - O'Reilly Radar (oreilly.com)
10 points by ajbatac on June 14, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

That was a well thought out post. In addition to my previous comment posted here, http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=217636 I forgot to mention that Yahoo is quite big in the non US, BRIC (Brazil Russia India China) market. I am not sure finance types really understand what drives techies, creation and creativity as the root of one's personality and validation. While I'm as much for making a buck as the next person I'd rather do it while creating something.

MSFT stock has been flat for half a decade now while Yahoo's been going up slowly in the same time. If their Panama system does well, maybe they can get a piece of the Adwords pie.

I think Ballmer's been a disaster for Microsoft, no CEO has had such flat ratings on stock for about a decade and still kept his job. Though stockholders might think Jerry's doing a lousy job only 16% of their stocks would've seen the MSFT valuation of $35. Which translates to about 12% gains overall or a $2.4 increase in share value from when MSFT's interest in Yahoo went public. Even if they dump their stock now, they're coming out on tops. So I give props to Yahoo for aligning with Google in the meanwhile and safeguarding their research and development teams and work.

I fear what happens if someone buys Yahoo then tries to break up (or ruin) Geocities and Yahoo Groups. Geocities is a treasure trove of old and new websites and it should not go the way of most web hosting ISPs did, by deleting millions of webpages.

Arrington is wrong about everything. So what's new.

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