It's not bad, however it doesn't include my contributions to open source projects just the repositories that are in-fact mine. If I was reviewing someone else's resume I'd want to see those things.
Exactly. Not to mention that it doesn't even include forked repositories in your profile.
For example, I've got commit rights to repositories living on other people's profiles, I use my company's Organization profile to publish open-source software and I use my personal profile only when I'm working on patches for others (fork -> push -> pull request -> delete)...
...and my resume generated using this tool is just rubbish.
We are doing something pretty similar but we take info from other sources like sourceforge or google code and also from github. It's called Masterbranch (
PS I have another account here but I can't log in :(
Pretty cool. I wonder how it decides which repos to show though. It listed my dotfiles repo but not Leiningen, which is the #1 most-forked Clojure project.
Took me a minute to figure out why it thought my github account had perl in it. Unfortunate that perl and prolog both use the the .pl extension. I think GitHub makes the same mistake, or did when I put the prolog stuff up anyway.
Ok everyone, I've added a basic listing of member organisations but the API seems to be a tad erratic and sometimes doesn't load and some other times does.
Please let me know if something is completely wrong and so I'll revert it.