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While IPython is cool, lets not forget autocomplete exists even in the default python interpreter

  Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39)
  [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux
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  >>> s=""
  >>> s.[TABTAB]
  s.__add__(           s.__getattribute__(  s.__lt__(            s.__rmul__(          s.encode(            s.isdecimal(         s.join(              s.rjust(             s.title(
  s.__class__(         s.__getitem__(       s.__mod__(           s.__setattr__(       s.endswith(          s.isdigit(           s.ljust(             s.rpartition(        s.translate(
  s.__contains__(      s.__getnewargs__(    s.__mul__(           s.__sizeof__(        s.expandtabs(        s.isidentifier(      s.lower(             s.rsplit(            s.upper(
  s.__delattr__(       s.__gt__(            s.__ne__(            s.__str__(           s.find(              s.islower(           s.lstrip(            s.rstrip(            s.zfill(
  s.__dir__(           s.__hash__(          s.__new__(           s.__subclasshook__(  s.format(            s.isnumeric(         s.maketrans(         s.split(
  s.__doc__            s.__init__(          s.__reduce__(        s.capitalize(        s.format_map(        s.isprintable(       s.partition(         s.splitlines(
  s.__eq__(            s.__iter__(          s.__reduce_ex__(     s.casefold(          s.index(             s.isspace(           s.replace(           s.startswith(
  s.__format__(        s.__le__(            s.__repr__(          s.center(            s.isalnum(           s.istitle(           s.rfind(             s.strip(
  s.__ge__(            s.__len__(           s.__rmod__(          s.count(             s.isalpha(           s.isupper(           s.rindex(            s.swapcase(

That's the case now, but it wasn't in 2015 when this post was published.

It seems to be enabled by default since 2013/Python 3.4:




Support already existed in Python 2, so it's sad that it took so long for it to be enabled by default.

And you can get similar results inside your favorite programmer's editor using something like Jedi:


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