Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> s="" >>> s.[TABTAB] s.__add__( s.__getattribute__( s.__lt__( s.__rmul__( s.encode( s.isdecimal( s.join( s.rjust( s.title( s.__class__( s.__getitem__( s.__mod__( s.__setattr__( s.endswith( s.isdigit( s.ljust( s.rpartition( s.translate( s.__contains__( s.__getnewargs__( s.__mul__( s.__sizeof__( s.expandtabs( s.isidentifier( s.lower( s.rsplit( s.upper( s.__delattr__( s.__gt__( s.__ne__( s.__str__( s.find( s.islower( s.lstrip( s.rstrip( s.zfill( s.__dir__( s.__hash__( s.__new__( s.__subclasshook__( s.format( s.isnumeric( s.maketrans( s.split( s.__doc__ s.__init__( s.__reduce__( s.capitalize( s.format_map( s.isprintable( s.partition( s.splitlines( s.__eq__( s.__iter__( s.__reduce_ex__( s.casefold( s.index( s.isspace( s.replace( s.startswith( s.__format__( s.__le__( s.__repr__( s.isalnum( s.istitle( s.rfind( s.strip( s.__ge__( s.__len__( s.__rmod__( s.count( s.isalpha( s.isupper( s.rindex( s.swapcase( >>>
Support already existed in Python 2, so it's sad that it took so long for it to be enabled by default.