It isn’t doing the quote matching to save on your typing, but to keep your scanner from providing the wrong tokens to the parser of your compiler that is running all the time while you are typing.
First off all, "misuse" of autocomplete can be very annoying. Some autocomplete system autocompletes with you.
IN ORWELLS REALITY: It isn’t doing the quote matching to save on your typing, but to keep the scanner from providing the wrong tokens to the parser of a compiler that is running all the time while you are typing.
If you want the compiler to be useful while you are typing, then the designers of your tooling have to do something. You can argue that they are doing the wrong thing, you can argue that having the compiler running while you are typing isn't worth it because you don't need the feedback, but don't misidentify why they are doing it; they aren't doing it to help you save a millisecond on typing, that isn't the concern at all.