This is one of the first fruits born of the three-fold Swift 6 initiative [0]: 1) Accelerate growth of the Swift software ecosystem (cross platform tooling and libraries) , 2) Create a fantastic development experience (build times and debugging), 3) Invest in user-empowering language directions (language APIs and memory ownership model, etc).
This hits almost all of those, and while it isn't the highest priority for lots of Swift users today, Swift Crypto will hopefully create a way for there to be lots of future users of Swift on other platforms. I'm really happy that the Core Team seems to have really taken those 3 efforts seriously.
Why was BoringSSL chosen as the backend? According to Google,
> Although BoringSSL is an open source project, it is not intended for general use, as OpenSSL is. We don't recommend that third parties depend upon it. Doing so is likely to be frustrating because there are no guarantees of API or ABI stability.
> Programs ship their own copies of BoringSSL when they use it and we update everything as needed when deciding to make API changes. This allows us to mostly avoid compromises in the name of compatibility. It works for us, but it may not work for you.
Sounds like its just a strong warning that they'll change their APIs when they want (in the name of security). Not that it isn't production ready.
That allows them to avoid the problem, but why introduce the problem in the first place? Why not use something that is intended to be used as a crypto library?
They had an existing API to comply with[1]. NaCl's API doesn't cover everything they need. Their choices were down to 1. Use OpenSSL (or a fork of it, which BoringSSL is) 2. Roll their own crypto. They chose #1 on all other platforms and stayed with #2 on the platforms they control (I might be mistaken here, perhaps they wrap some OpenSSL derivative on their own platforms too). And that in my opinion is a reasonable choice, given the constraints.
> On Apple platforms, Swift Crypto defers directly to CryptoKit, while on all other platforms it uses a brand-new implementation built on top of the BoringSSL library.
Oh great, more pointless differences. Just pick one and stick to it. If you trust the BoringSSL version then use it everywhere. If you don't, well, why are you using it on the other platforms?
I could understand it if it was very platform-specific (async networking, GUI controls, whatever). But come on, BSSL already exists everywhere, you're not saving yourself any porting work.
Given that we had do to this extra work, what advantage is gained from having two backends, instead of consolidating onto a single backend for both CryptoKit and Swift Crypto? The primary advantage is verification. With two independent implementations of the CryptoKit API, we are able to test the implementations against each other as well as their own test suites. This improves reliability and compatibility for both implementations, reducing the changes of regression and making it easy to identify errors by comparing the output of the two implementations.
Creating a working implementation of an algorithm like Chacha20 is really not that hard if you're comfortable with bit twiddling. It's much harder to create an implementation that works and doesn't have hidden problems, like being vulnerable to timing attacks. So they've made it slightly easier to do the easier part of crypto (get a correct result), while increasing their attack surface and the amount of effort that it takes to do the hard part of crypto (getting a result securely).
Wouldn't it be just as good to verify and test the ciphertext/hashes/signatures against other crypto libs in testing? It seems weird to include a dependency for some platforms just to "test the implementations".
Other crypto frontends don't include different backends just because "testing", if they do they do because they have platform specific reasons.
EDIT: it looks like my reading of this was incorrect. A careful reading of the source I think makes it clear SwiftCrypto avoids any use of the specialist hardware on Apple platform. My apologies for the confusion.
—— original (incorrect) comment
It does not say Secure Enclave is not supported, it says this:
“ a subset of the API is built around using Apple’s Secure Enclave processor to securely store and compute on keying material. Apple’s Secure Enclave processor is not available on non-Apple hardware: as a result, Swift Crypto does not provide these APIs.”
So if secure enclave is available it specifically _is_ used to implement some functionality, but this is implements in other ways on other platforms. However the APIs for secure enclave itself are not exposed in either implementation.
According to your quote, CK has some APIs that depend on the enclave, but SC does not support those APIs.
It says nothing about whether any other SC APIs use the enclave behind the scenes (but I doubt it, there's not much point in bothering with the enclave if the CPU has access to the key material).
I think the point he's trying to make is that the CK implementation of the APIs common to CK and SC may (or may not) make use of the secure enclave, and that's one reason to have different implementations.
A specific example would be secure enclave support.
> However, alongside these simple ideas are a number of very complex implementation concerns. The first of these is about hardware. While much of Apple CryptoKit is a straightforward implementation of well-known cryptographic primitives, a subset of the API is built around using Apple’s Secure Enclave processor to securely store and compute on keying material. Apple’s Secure Enclave processor is not available on non-Apple hardware: as a result, Swift Crypto does not provide these APIs.
As your quote says, those APIs aren't available in SC anyway, so that's irrelevant.
The next paragraph is also interesting, though, since it is an argument against depending on system libraries:
> The second covers the software distribution model. In order to make it easier for developers to update Swift Crypto when they are using it on non-Apple platforms, we took advantage of the Swift Package Manager to distribute Swift Crypto. This allows users to pull in security fixes and API updates via simple swift package update.
They aren’t “available” as in they aren’t exposed in the interface.
But they are used by Swift Crypto when using a CryptoKit backed instance of Swift Crypto. They are not used when using the boringSSL backed Swift Crypto.
Where is that claimed? There are two paragraphs on the blog that mention secure enclaves or special hardware: your quote, and the following:
> With the exception of APIs requiring specialised hardware, it will always be the case that where an Apple CryptoKit implementation of an API is available, Swift Crypto will use it, but when such an API is not available it will be possible to use the Swift Crypto-based implementation. The core APIs will move in step with Apple CryptoKit, and our test suite is shared with Apple CryptoKit ensuring that both projects must pass each other’s test suites for the API, ensuring that both Swift Crypto and Apple CryptoKit will be completely compatible.
The SC README[0] contains one more mention of it, with the same general idea:
> SwiftCrypto exposes the portions of the CryptoKit API that do not rely on specialised hardware to any Swift application. It provides safe APIs that abstract over the complexity of many cryptographic primitives that need to be used in modern applications. These APIs encourage safe usages of the underlying primitives, follow cryptographic best practices, and should be the first choice for building applications that need to use cryptography.
You save on code size on disk by doing this because you can defer to the already existing dylib. This doesn't work for BoringSSL because I believe all the copies are vendored and the system doesn't share a single copy.
It's not great. However, I heard something hopeful in the latest episode of the Swift Unwrapped podcast. It was mentioned how the person working on the Windows build has recently been employed by Apple.
This ignores all the new UWP API's which are the basis for modern Windows applications and will work on all future versions of windows. C++ is the preferred language here:
Since Vista, the plan has been doing in COM what was thought out for Longhorn with .NET.
As such, all new APIs introduced since Vista are mostly COM libraries, and now UWP, which is an improved version of COM, after its hard rebirth with WinRT and UA.
For anyone reading this now and getting confused -- The Afterburner card uses an FPGA. "Programmable ASIC" is just marketing speak.
> Afterburner is a hardware accelerator card built with an FPGA, or programmable ASIC. With over a million logic cells, it can process up to 6.3 billion pixels per second. [0]
I believe there’s an SDK for it. It may not be publicly available (yet?), but third party codecs are going to be able to take advantage of it.
From what I understand (like a graphics card) the user defined software is loaded on at runtime (like a shader). Theoretically any software like this could be loaded.
It's not really surprising. Developing a macOS SDK for letting developers load their whatever on a PCIe-mounted FPGA is a huge undertaking, only done by those manufacturers of FPGAs (and not for macOS). There really isn't any market justification to build that for what's effectively a glamour product.
Craig Federighi mentioned in one interview (with Gruber I think) that the card can be reprogrammed. IIRC there were hints that they could be user programmable in the future, but of course nothing was neither confirmed nor denied.
I think this is missing in context. ( To me at least ). The card can be reprogrammed by Apple. And Apple could offer additional functions or features with it. I take that as something similar to current Afterburner function as in H.265 / 266 Video Encode or Decoding.
Are you thinking for cryptocurrency? I doubt that the Mac Pro can compete with other mining setups on performance per $. Also, Swift Crypto is for general-purpose cryptography (e.g., for network protocols), and so it is going to be much slower than an implementation scoped and optimized for mining.
Could also be a comment on hardware accelerating the difficult bits of some software. A web server could potentially take advantage from hardware accelerated TLS for example.
Modern CPUs already have dedicated crypto instructions which are pretty fast, without the cost of copying to another device's memory, loading a program, waiting for it to execute, then copying the output back.
More likely audio/video workflows where encoding/decoding within a FPGA could be really useful. Realtime effects is also an interesting opportunity (e.g. similar function to the DSP accelerators on Universal Audio equipment).
The first example shows AES.GCM.seal(...) and then states:
> This code avoids some of the numerous pitfalls that you can encounter when constructing encryption schemes yourself. For example, it ensures that you use a randomly selected nonce, and that you authenticate your ciphertext.
Yeah, 2^48 is huge, but that gets you a collision probability of ~40%.
You'd want a probability more like 1-in-a-million (or 1-in-a-billion). That's 2^39 (or 2^34), which is 1000 messages a second for 17 years (or 7 months).
Again, probably still safe for many use cases. But you do have to think about it for a second. XChaCha20's 192-bit nonce capacity lets you totally ignore that factor, which is a nice property for generic crypto recommendations.
A naïve hash of the data you’re encrypting stuffed into the nonce leaks whether two plaintexts are the same (or…collided). A hash of the key and plaintext leaks whether the two plaintexts are the same under the same key. Using a proper keyed MAC prevents any rainbow table style attack in either case.
Generally speaking leaking that two plaintexts are the same is better than leaking two plaintexts XORed together. If you’re in a use case where that’s liable to happen (i.e., you don’t rekey “frequently”) I’d happily take the former leaked bit over the latter leaked messages.
There are also a handful of existing constructions you can just take off the shelf rather than rolling your own thing and getting it wrong.
>This will allow Swift developers, regardless of the platform on which they deploy their applications, to access these APIs for a common set of cryptographic operations.
How often is swift used on a non-Apple platform? Also why?
There's some momentum for Swift on servers. It has at least the potential for C-like performance, although the last time I tried it wasn't quite there yet. Might also be useful for having a second stack that works on the client as well as the server.
Then, there's a big push for Swift+Tensorflow and other ML. The hope here appears to be the ability to implement "automatic differentiation" (or was it "integration"?). I don't remember enough math to fully understand, let alone try to explain that. But I can attest that even without being implemented, it has the power to get ML people salivating.
To name a few: generics, pattern matching, memory safety by default (though not concurrent yet), no untyped-nil, the capability for C-like performance, deterministic memory management. Protocols are pretty similar to traits as well.
Though the way all of those work is substantially different. Swift doesn't monomorphize generics like Rust does[0], for example.
Swift doesn't have a concurrency story yet, so it is possible to have data races if you share data between threads. An ownership system[1] is in the works, but it is not complete yet.
> Swift doesn't monomorphize generics like Rust does[0], for example.
Swift can monomorphize generics, but it doesn't do so by default. Normally this is left up to the compiler, but it's possible to force monomorphization using inlining attributes.
We are fast approaching Swift 6, and most of the Apps by Apple are still strictly Objective-C ( Not saying it is a bad thing ). Even the new Apply Pay App is Objective-C.
Where is Swift heading? If Apple isn't dogfooding it themselves.
More apps have been adopting Swift with each OS release. On iOS specifically, the number of system binaries using Swift more than doubled between iOS 12 and iOS 13.
Since the goal is to reimplement CryptoKit.framework, I'd guess that whoever works on the Windows port (probably Saleem, let's be honest) would have to decide the right course of action.
Without knowing the .org, I thought this was going to be about SWIFT, , the electronic funds transfer service, working on some sort of blockchain or cryptocurrency related announcement.
This hits almost all of those, and while it isn't the highest priority for lots of Swift users today, Swift Crypto will hopefully create a way for there to be lots of future users of Swift on other platforms. I'm really happy that the Core Team seems to have really taken those 3 efforts seriously.
[0] -