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> My inclination is that protecting only new commits might be enough

Why? It's not the same as saying 'versions after vX are safe', it's the same as saying 'any unsafety after vX was there before, not introduced since' (both with 'as a result of SHA-1 collision' qualifiers of course).

> Can I push my replacement commit to another repository (eg, github)? Would even force push work?

Implementation dependent I suppose, but I wouldn't have thought so - I don't see why they'd actually check the content when the hash is supposed to indicate whether it differs or not.

> Do I have to delete branches and re-push my own? If I already have enough permission on the repository to do this, it means I can already push whatever I want -- so does this attack even matter at all?

I think an attack would look more like:

  1. Create hostile commit that collides with extant commit SHA
  2. Infiltrate a package repository, or GitHub, or corporate network, or ...
  3. Insert hostile commit in place of real one
Of course it's a problem if 2 & 3 happen alone anyway, but the problem with the collision commit is that it makes it so much less detectable.

Git commits are snapshots, not diffs. Each commit contains a tree, which contains a list of files and their respective hashes. As long as its whole tree is SHA-256 then a commit should be safe, regardless of its history.

The downside to the migration would be that all unchanged files would be stored twice (once identified by SHA1, once identified by SHA-256). But you could work around that by hardlinking identical files.

This doesn't protect subdirectories unless you rewrite the entire tree structure with SHA256. I don't know if Git does that now, or not. Git generally points to unmodified subdirectories with the existing content hash; if the SHA1 is pointed to by SHA256, which is implied by the transition plan proposed in the grand-grandparent comment, then those subdirectories are essentially unprotected.

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