Haven't heard about punch yet. Can you use that in teams?
Basecamp is awesome but it's not really for startups. No nested Tasks, no multiple people for tasks. Time tracking is too basic. Not the end of the world, really, but DHH and Jason hate feature-creep so I'm not holding my breath.
ah... sorry dude.. accidental mod down trying to highlight goplan.info... I'm kinda in the same boat as you (perhaps) all todo list software I find really doesn't fit what I'm looking for.
Punch makes a .yml file in your home directory. You could make some app to pull in the .yml from everyone in your team. My time tracking needs are simple as I only need to track what I do, when and for how long so that I can bill my clients.
I didn't like basecamp either until recently. I have met some very productive people who used only a .txt file for project management.
Basecamp is awesome but it's not really for startups. No nested Tasks, no multiple people for tasks. Time tracking is too basic. Not the end of the world, really, but DHH and Jason hate feature-creep so I'm not holding my breath.